Wagyu Beef Tenderloin Steak in Foie Gras Sauce Recipe

Looking to make an exquisite and impressive meal for a special occasion? With this recipe, you’ll be able to combine two of the world’s most revered foods to create an absolutely unforgettable meal.

It all starts with a beautifully tender Wagyu beef tenderloin steak. With its buttery flavor and melt-in-your-mouth texture, every bite of this incredible filet mignon is worth savoring. To elevate this Wagyu steak even further, we’ve combined it with a rich, indulgent foie gras sauce. Aged Grana Padano cheese adds a savory, nutty flavor and invites creaminess to the sauce, while cremini mushrooms bring a hearty, earthy flavor that complements the Wagyu beef.

Despite the luxurious nature of this dish, you can prepare it easily in just half an hour. For the best results, be sure to select a hand-carved American Wagyu Filet Mignon.

To round out the meal, serve it with a classic Caesar salad or wedge salad for a lighter component. Other sides that fit the traditional flavor profile of the dish include grilled asparagus, green beans almandine, roasted butternut squash and garlic mashed potatoes. Pair with a dry red wine, such as a merlot, cabernet sauvignon or shiraz, to complement the flavor profile of the filet mignon.

Recipe for Wagyu Beef Tenderloin Steak in a Creamy Foie Gras Sauce


For the steak:

  • 10 oz cremini mushrooms, washed
  • 2 tbsp salted butter
  • 4 trimmed Wagyu filet mignon steaks (6 to 8 oz each)
  • Sea salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste

For the sauce:

  • ½ pint heavy cream
  • 5 oz mi-cuit foie gras, thinly sliced
  • 3 tbsp grated Grana Padano cheese

For plating:

  • 4 thin slices of mi-cuit foie gras


  1. Thinly slice the cremini mushrooms and set aside.
  2. Add the tenderloin steaks. Sear for 30 seconds, then flip the steaks.
  3. Add butter, mushrooms, sea salt and pepper, then cover with a lid.
  4. Use a wooden spoon to gently stir the mushrooms every few minutes. Replace the lid after each time the mushrooms are stirred.
  5. A few minutes before reaching the desired internal temperature, add the half-pint of heavy cream to the pan and bring to a boil.
  6. Crumble the five ounces of thinly sliced foie gras into the pan. Use a whisk to incorporate the foie gras into the cream sauce until smooth.
  7. As the sauce begins to boil again, add the grated Grana Padano cheese. Use a whisk to incorporate the cheese to thicken the sauce.
  8. Take the pan off the heat. To plate, place one steak on each plate followed by a few spoonfuls of the creamy foie gras sauce. Lastly, place a single thin slice of foie gras on top of each steak.

Serving tip: Let the steaks rest for a few minutes before eating. This allows the meat fibers to remain as tender as possible while minimizing the loss of the delicious juices inside.